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Version 1.1.4 is out! Post Date: 02/27/2018

Here are the changes that come with the new 1.1.4 version:

Run from subfolder

We know a lot of you are on shared hosts or just want to try A3 out so we adjusted the install and it does not require a vhost now, you can just run it from a subfolder. Do not forget to edit your .htaccess file and modify the RewriteBase to reflect the path of where you have installed the system.

Admin Lang Packs

We do now support language packs in the administration, meaning you can have the admin translated. You can download them from here

Frontend lang switch added

We have added a front-end language switch to make it easier for you. Here is how to use it:

* \Tools::setThemeLanguageSwitch(['lang']) - you can use this in a page view to inlcude the switch.
* data-pattern-func="Tools@setThemeLanguageSwitch-langs" - or this to invoke it within the wysiwyg editor
* themepath/views/tools/language-switch.blade.php - here is where the view is.

Fixes and Additions:

  • There was an issue with the language switch in the admin which is fixed now.
  • We have added user first and last name in the user profile.
  • There is a switch now in the admin that can force the HTTPS schema located in the Configure screen.
  • Fixed a problem where the custom resize option won't get picked up if using the media uploader as modal.
  • Fixed a problem with the scrolling of the admin media modal not scrolling all the way down for certain browsers.
  • Fixed a problem with multiple image selectors on the same page.